Motivating Our Minds for Better Outcomes

As communities across the country continue to wrestle with racial inequities and civil unrest, Motivate Our Minds remains focused on teaching students the value of diversity, inclusion and respect. It’s true, “It takes a village to raise a child.” As we all have a role to play in creating a more inclusive future with less bias and more appreciation for diversity, we want to encourage you as family members, parents, and neighbors to help students learn more about race from what they see and hear.

Here are some resources to use as you engage children in this process: 

Each of us can ensure students have access to books and materials that build and celebrate their own unique identities as well as the identities of others. On our social media and website blog, we will highlight various children’s books and young adult books that we believe celebrate diversity and address topics of race in a culturally responsive way. Stay tuned to learn more about the contemporary and culturally responsive additions we’ve recently made to our classroom libraries. May we all continue to represent the best of our communities and do the work that builds a better tomorrow.

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