5 Ways to Banish Summer Boredom

Summer is a time that everyone looks forward to. There are many fun things to do, but sometimes boredom sets in. Maybe some of these ideas will spark an interest and help to banish that summer boredom.

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Experience Nature

Summer is a great time to get out and experience nature. It’s likely that your city has many excellent places for you to explore. Check local listings to find these gems hidden in your community. If you are local to Muncie, Indiana, check out the many nature preserves, state parks, and outdoor recreation areas. Some favorites include Minnetrista, the Cardinal Greenway, and Red Tail Land Conservancy.

Read a New Book

There is just something refreshing about holding a new book. Summer is an excellent time to take in some new literature. Visit your local library to grab a new read. Maybe you would prefer to listen to an audio book. That’s an option as well. Don’t forget to come into the learning center at Motivate Our Minds. We have enrichment activity bags that include a new book to read plus activities. When you complete the activity, take a quick quiz to earn an ice cream treat.

Have an Adventure

Whether you decide to adventure out of town or stay in your own backyard, adventures can be found anywhere. Check local listings in your area for fun (and many times, free) activities happening in your own neighborhood. Anything can be turned into a fabulous adventure with a little bit of imagination. Make a plan, gather your supplies, and get going!

Create a Math Obstacle Course

Here’s a fun way to sneak in some learning. Use sidewalk chalk to create a math obstacle course on your sidewalk or driveway. Include math challenges that need solved as well as some exercises before participants can move on to the next challenge. Time each participant and then create a graph to show who completed the course in the shortest time. Compare and contrast the data for even more math fun. Pinterest is full of ideas for obstacle courses if you’re feeling out of ideas.

Try Something New

Bake a new desert, learn a new skill, make a new craft. Summer is the perfect time to tackle a longer project or organize that closet. Enlist the help of your kids for some creative solutions. Ask the kids what they would like to learn and do. You can learn a new language or go on an adventure. Summer is an especially good time to experience new things, all while keeping everyone engaged in learning.

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