#whyMOMmatters to Karen Wenger

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Karen Wenger has been a long-time support of Motivate Our Minds. Her late husband, Fred Wenger, first introduced her to the organization as he would volunteer and read with the children. Her entire family then dedicated the Motivate Our Minds library in Fred’s honor and established the Wenger Scholars program, which provides funds to support educational programming to students in need. Students complete an official application and participate in a scholarship committee interview in order to participate in this prestigious opportunity.

Motivate Our Minds matters very much to me because of our family legacy, participating here and donating funds to name the library after my late husband. Also we saw the difference Motivate Our Minds made in the lives of the children; no longer were they coming in after school depressed, that we could see them becoming more self-confident in the programs here at MOM.

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