
Motivate Our Minds has various volunteering opportunities during the school year. Volunteers work first hand with students in the classroom & around the MOM facility.

Donate to United Way

Make Motivate Our Minds a designated donor via United Way.

Shop on Amazon

Do you shop on Amazon? If so, please visit smile.amazon.com and make Motivate Our Minds your supported organization. When shopping on Amazon smile Motivate Our Minds will receive .5% of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Encourage your organization to become a corporate sponsor & help collaborate on Motivate Our Minds events & initiatives.

Become a Corporate Sponsor

You or your organization can sponsor a month of snacks/meals for students enrolled in our after-school program.

Sponsor a meal


Motivate Our Minds accepts in-kind items and monetary donations. If your organization participates in matching capital campaigns, they can match the amount of your donation.

Participate in Kroger Community Rewards

As a designated organization, MOM will receive a donation from the Kroger Community Rewards each quarter based on our supporters and how many times they use their Kroger Plus card. 

Just follow these easy steps to enroll: 

  1. Visit Kroger.com and sign-in. If you do not currently have a Kroger account, you will need to create one.

  2. Select “My Account”

  3. On the left side of the page, select “Community Rewards”

  4. Enter all of our part of Motivate Our Minds or the code DF952

  5. Once the the organization appears, select “enroll”

Consider making a donation to the organization’s endowment fund through the Community Foundation.

Make a donation to the MOM endowment fund

Consider making MOM part of your estate planning and giving.

Planned Giving